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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shut Up and Blog Challenge-Day 5: I'm Still Heeere!

Yes, I'm still blogging. Rather proud I have stuck with this for five days. However, anyone who knows me understands this may be a passing thang! I'll try, though.

This post is going to be really random because nothing out of the ordinary happened and I just don't feel like digging deep and finding something profound. Soooo....here is a picture of my latest fashion acquisition:
Attractive, huh? This lovely piece of fabric was purchased by my older sister, Linda who after hearing that my doctor said, "no outdoor activity for at least a month" because of my blasted allergies, didn't believe I would follow doctors orders. Somehow she thought I would wear this...and I did. When I go out without it, I spend my night coughing and tired the next day.

Yesterday was my first venture outside with it on. The kids, of course, were curious so I told them I was allergic to naughty children. Lol.  A fourth grader named Lane was concerned and I told him I was allergic to Trump lovers. He giggled. You see Lane and I have this joke going. He and his mama know I was a big Hillary supporter during the election and his family voted for Trump. Anytime Lane wears his Trump sock's, I act like it's my Kryptonite.

The first fifteen minutes wearing this thing were rather confusing. My glasses kept fogging up from my breath rising upward. It's hard to watch kinders with foggy glasses. Then I discovered, it can be tightened at the nose and all was well.

Well on another note, I took some pictures of my cats. I know totally random, right? I warned you. Anyway, I was hanging out with the prairie cats-our name for the outdoor cats we care for that roam the pastures near our house. Well, my indoor cats did not like it and gave the prairie cats and I the stink eye from the front door. Here is the evidence:
This is Graellyn and Moki. In the reflection, you can see Tripper (she likes to trip us when we walk outside) frolicking between my legs. Gracious, I'm wearing flip flops. Totally hope you can't see my funky toes. Anyway, this was my day and I need to go because my husband is giving me the stink eye. Even though he doesn't have anything much to talk about, he likes someone to snuggle with on the couch while he channel surfs. Have a great evening!

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